
最近來自日本的報導是關於氫氣對癱瘓後肢體萎縮作用的研究。研究用大鼠做模型,造成下肢廢用,模擬癱瘓後下肢萎縮,或者太空飛行性肢體萎縮(有軍方單位的參與),動物分為四 組:正常對照,模型後分三組,正常水,電解水和氫氣飽和的電解水。模型三周後,進行觀察。研究指標有直接測定腓腸肌的重量,檢測MDA8OHdG(兩個氧化指標)SOD活性。雖然結果綜合顯示,氫氣具有一定作用,但沒有統計學差異。結論是氫氣沒有這方面的保護作用。但我認為這個研究存在一些問題。首先是採用的指標太粗糟,不能準確檢測效應。至少應該有肌肉的蛋白含量分析,組織學改變,特殊蛋白水準的檢測等。也許這方面的研究沒有那麼多指標。但匆忙得出這樣的結論有點遺憾。例如腓腸肌的重量,氫氣組的下降程度是7%,而損傷組的是14%。也就是相對減少了50%。不知道要達到多少才能算有效。而且所有的指標之間都具有相關性,就是各組的相對變化都符合氫氣治療有效的推斷。當然,從統計學角度,氫氣就是無效。也應該尊重這個判斷。只不過我相信很快將有更準確的研究來確定這個效應。


J Physiol Anthropol. 2011;30(5):195-201.
Effect of molecular hydrogen saturated alkaline electrolyzed water on disuse muscle atrophy in gastrocnemius muscle.
Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University.
The objectives of this paper were to determine the level of oxidative stress in atrophied gastrocnemius, and to verify the effect of molecular hydrogen (H(2)) saturated alkaline electrolyzed water (HSW) on gastrocnemius atrophy by modifying the redox status, indicated by 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), malondialdehyde (MDA), and superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity. Female Wistar rats were divided into four groups: (1) the control (CONT); (2) the Hindlimb unloading (HU, for 3 weeks) given purified normal water (HU-NW); (3) the HU given alkaline electrolyzed reduced water (HU-AEW); and (4) the HU given HSW (HU-HSW). We showed that 8-OHdG, but not MDA, significantly increased by 149% and 145% in HU-NW and HU-AEW, respectively, when compared with CONT. In contrast, there was a trend toward suppression in 8-OHdG levels (increased by 95% compared with CONT) by treatment of HSW, though this effect was not prominent. Additionally, SOD-like activity significantly increased in both HU-NW (184%) and HU-AEW (199%) when compared with CONT. This result suggests the elevation of O(2)(-·) in the atrophied gastrocnemius. However, upregulation of SOD-like activity in the HU-HSW was increased by only 169% compared with CONT, though this difference is too small to detect statistical significance. HU led to 13% and 15% reduction of gastrocnemius wet weights in HU-NW and HU-AEW, respectively, compared with CONT. And the reduction of gastrocnemius wet weights in HU-HSW was attenuated by 7% compared with CONT. The gastrocnemius wet weights in the HU-HSW group were significantly greater than those in the HU-AEW, but not statistically significant with HU-NW. These results indicate that HU causes an increase in oxidative stress, but, in this experimental protocol, continuous consumption of HSW during HU does not demonstrate successful attenuation of oxidative stress and HU-mediated gastrocnemius atrophy.
[PubMed - in process]
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