終於等來了關於氫氣的組學研究,來自日本東京大學的Yuji NAKAI等人關於氫氣水對肝臟基因表達改變的研究發現,氫氣具有影響基因表達的作用,採用DNA晶片研究發現,大鼠飲用氫氣水4個月後,肝臟內有548個基因表達上調,695個基因下調。
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry
Vol. 75 (2011) , No. 4 pp.774-776
Hepatic Oxidoreduction-Related Genes Are Upregulated by Administration of Hydrogen-Saturated Drinking Water
1) Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo 2) MiZ Co., Ltd.3) Food Safety and Reliability Project, Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology4) Department of Nutritional Science, Faculty of Applied Bioscience, Tokyo University of Agriculture
(Received November 19, 2010) (Accepted December 27, 2010)
The effects of the administration of molecular hydrogen-saturated drinking water (hydrogen water) on hepatic gene expression were investigated in rats. Using DNA microarrays, 548 upregulated and 695 downregulated genes were detected in the liver after 4 weeks of administration of hydrogen water. Gene Ontology analysis revealed that genes for oxidoreduction-related proteins, including hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA reductase, were significantly enriched in the upregulated genes.