
氫水有助於減重之研究 (通過誘導肝臟FGF21促進能量代謝)


    本研究發表在國際著名雜誌Obesity , (3 February 2011) 
| doi:10.1038/oby.2011.6,研究的內容非常豐富,首先他們研究發現氫氣水可以促進肝臟糖原的聚集(保肝藥物都這樣,將來研究肝臟保護方面的研究者可以使用這個指標),採用糖原溶液能保持氫氣的實驗初步解釋為什麼短時間給氫氣對許多疾病具有很強的治療效果。然後他們用缺乏瘦素受體的db/db小鼠,證明氫水可以治療二型糖尿病,對正常高脂飲食引起動物脂肪肝也具有顯著治療效果長期飲用氫水可以在不減少飲食飲水量的條件下降低動物體重,減少體脂肪,也就是說具有減肥作用。同時動物的血糖、胰島素和甘油三脂都顯著下降,這些效果與限制飲食的效果類似。



本文氫水製備之方式是應用高壓灌注氫氣 (0.4 MPa) ,密封保存於常溫常壓下的鋁箔包中密封
 In brief, H2 was dissolved in water under high pressure (0.4 MPa) to a supersaturated level and the saturated H2 -water was stored under atmospheric pressure in an aluminum bag with no dead volume

Molecular Hydrogen Improves Obesity and Diabetes by Inducing Hepatic FGF21 and Stimulating Energy Metabolism in db/db Mice
Naomi Kamimura, Kiyomi Nishimaki, Ikuroh Ohsawa and Shigeo Ohta
Recent extensive studies have revealed that molecular hydrogen (H2) has great potential for improving oxidative stress-related diseases by inhaling H2 gas, injecting saline with dissolved H2, or drinking water with dissolved H2 (H2-water); however, little is known about the dynamic movement of H2 in a body. First, we show that hepatic glycogen accumulates H2 after oral administration of H2-water, explaining why consumption of even a small amount of H2 over a short span time efficiently improves various disease models. This finding was supported by an in vitro experiment in which glycogen solution maintained H2. Next, we examined the benefit of ad libitum drinking H2-water to type 2 diabetes using db/db obesity model mice lacking the functional leptin receptor. Drinking H2-water reduced hepatic oxidative stress, and significantly alleviated fatty liver in db/db mice as well as high fat-diet-induced fatty liver in wild-type mice. Long-term drinking H2-water significantly controlled fat and body weights, despite no increase in consumption of diet and water. Moreover, drinking H2-water decreased levels of plasma glucose, insulin, and triglyceride, the effect of which on hyperglycemia was similar to diet restriction. To examine how drinking H2-water improves obesity and metabolic parameters at the molecular level, we examined gene-expression profiles, and found enhanced expression of a hepatic hormone, fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), which functions to enhance fatty acid and glucose expenditure. Indeed, H2 stimulated energy metabolism as measured by oxygen consumption. The present results suggest the potential benefit of H2 in improving obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

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