氫氣選擇性抗氧化發現以來,已經在各種各樣炎症和氧化損傷類疾病中證明了它的神奇效果,3年來已經發表的論文達到將近70篇,在腎疾病方面,已有2篇關於腎臟缺血再灌注損傷的研究和1篇腎臟移植後腎病的研究。也有幾篇關於糖尿病腎臟損傷的臨床研究和關於在透析液中溶解氫氣的新型透析液的研究。但過去沒有關於慢性腎臟病治療的研究,剛剛收到一篇這方面研究的文章資訊,是來自日本的報導,證明給動物飲用含氫水對慢性腎臟病治療效果的研究。該文章pdf2010年12月30日發表在《腎臟病與透析腎移植雜誌》Nephrol. Dial. Transplant。
本研究之氫水製備方法:電解法製造含氫水,溶氫量為0.35mg/L ORP氧化還原電位-148mv
Water type | pH | Dissolved hydrogen (mg/L) | Redox potential (mV) |
FW | 8.33 ± 0.02 | 0.00 ± 0.00 | +140.1 ± 4.2 |
EW | 10.43 ± 0.01 | 0.35 ± 0.03 | −148.0 ± 4.0 |
動物模型製備方法:7周年齡雄性Dahl鹽敏感大鼠分成2組,一組17只給不含氫氣的水,另一組18只給含氫氣的水,所有動物的飲水中鹽濃度為0.5%,每天上午和下午換水(2次),水容器為ad libitum材料,通過一個金屬管給動物飲用(保持氫氣濃度),6周後接紮一側腎動脈45分鐘後再灌注,造成一側腎臟損害,1周後處死動物(這一周是否仍然給同樣的水?)進行組織學和血清學研究。
研究結果發現,對照組血清中炎症因數MCP1、甲基乙二醛(methylglyoxal,MGO)、尿素氮都顯著升高(應該是與正常組比較),對側腎和心臟組織學發現腎小球細胞粘附(glomerular adhesion?)心臟纖維化ED-1 (CD68)和硝基酪氨酸陽性細胞顯著增加,治療組上述變化顯著減輕。結果提示,氫氣對慢性腎臟病有很好的治療作用。
Wan-Jun Zhu1,2, Masaaki Nakayama3,4, Takefumi Mori1,3, Keisuke Nakayama1, Junichiro Katoh1, Yaeko Murata1, Toshinobu Sato1, Shigeru Kabayama2,3 and Sadayoshi Ito1,3
Background. Hydrogen (H2) reportedly produces an antioxidative effect by quenching cytotoxic oxygen radicals. We studied the biological effects of water with dissolved H2 on ischemia-induced cardio-renal injury in a rat model of chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Methods. Dahl salt-sensitive rats (7 weeks old) were allowed ad libitum drinking of filtered water (FW: dissolved H2, 0.00 ± 0.00 mg/L) or water with dissolved H2 produced by electrolysis (EW: dissolved H2, 0.35 ± 0.03 mg/L) for up to 6 weeks on a 0.5% salt diet. The rats then underwent ischemic reperfusion (I/R) of one kidney and were killed a week later for investigation of the contralateral kidney and the heart.
Results. In the rats given FW, unilateral kidney I/R induced significant increases in plasma monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, methylglyoxal and blood urea nitrogen. Histologically, significant increases were found in glomerular adhesion, cardiac fibrosis, number of ED-1 (CD68)-positive cells and nitrotyrosine staining in the contralateral kidney and the heart. In rats given EW, those findings were significantly ameliorated and there were significant histological differences between rats given FW and those given EW.
Conclusion. Consumption of EW by ad libitum drinking has the potential to ameliorate ischemia-induced cardio-renal injury in CKD model rats. This indicates a novel strategy of applying H2 produced by water electrolysis technology for the prevention of CKD cardio-renal syndrome.